Friday, May 15, 2009
Today is payday and my check should be at my job by now. It's suppose to be a really nice check, so tomorrow I'll get my Summer lay a way out(unless I have time before work today) and I'll go to wal mart right after and get some healthy snacks, my protein,and some fruits and veggies to help me on my way to making my goal. As of today, I haven't lost any weight and it's kind of depressing, but there's always next week and if I buy the right food along with my workout, I should drop some pounds. The only thing is that my budget for this week is between $20 and $30. I don't know how much I can get for that, but if I shop anything like I did last summer I'll be able to manage. Here's my very vague shopping list:
Soy Milk
I don't even like almonds, actually I never gave them a chance, but I'll give them a try. I'm trying to stay away from any food that comes out of a box or a drive thru window. With the exception of my Saturday teriyaki, which is ok because I barely eat on Saturdays. Anyway, let me go shower and get dress and go pick up this check. Hopefully this diet will work and I don't end up in the Taco Bell drive thru this weekend!
Labels: almonds, diet, Food, grocery, weight loss
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